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The Improv program at UVU was originally founded in the fall of 2017 by Laurie Harrop-Purser and Jake Ben Suazo. It all started as a way for students to gain confidence and develop the skills necessary to be proficient in improv. And most importantly, to learn how fun it can be! This eventually formed into what we all know as UVU's improv team: Hot Tea Improv. 

The Improv classes are apart of UVU's Theatre Department. And although they are a requirement for BFA Acting students, anyone, including non-theatre majors, can audition into the classes. The first class is Improv I held in the spring, (THEA 3115). The second is Improv II held in the fall. Improv II is where students become part of the team and get the opportunity to start performing for audiences. Then, the following spring, the improv II students take Improv Techniques, and get to participate in improv festivals.

The Improv classes here at UVU are a devoted community made up of enthusiastic individuals who enjoy learning, playing and growing with improv. You do not need to be an actor to do improv! Not only is improv fun, but it can also be a huge asset to you in many different areas of your life, both casual and professional.

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Founded 2017

The improv team is now a required class for BFA Acting students (Improv II) but it is open to anyone who takes the required prerequisite Improv I (THEA 3115) and auditions for the course. Taking the courses is a great way to infinitely expand your improv training, and to take your skills to the next level. By joining Hot Tea Improv, you get hands on, real life experience of performing on an improv team. You'll learn short form improv, how to be an Emcee, musical theatre improv, how to put on fully improvised long form plays, and much more!

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